Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Getting Better all the Time. Better, Better, Bett-er.

     Wow, it has been almost a complete month since I last posted.  I see that as a good thing ... for me.  I have chosen to call this post "Getting Better all the Time" because I found myself humming this catchy Fab Four tune this morning.  And I thought to myself ... "yes I am!"  It has been a slow process and I am not 100%.  No one is 100% no matter what they say.  I believe that we can strive to be the best we can and as close to 100% as possible as long as we can look back on our day and say ..."that was a pretty good day."  And of course that is not going to happen every day but there will be decent stretches where the good days vastly out number the bad.
     So why am I better?  Simple ... I asked for help.  I was no longer content with being blah and down and just plain sick.  I got in people's faces and said to them and myself ... "This has got to stop."  So now I am climbing out of the hole I was in.  For that I thank my doctors and my friends.  I thank my son and especially I thank my wife.  She has been there and lived with my issues for a long time.  She has always looked for ways to make me feel better.  There were times when I wished she would leave me alone but I am so very glad that she didn't. 
     At one time in our lives we all are met with challenges that can knock us off our feet.  Another reason I chose the Beatles tune as a title for today's post is because I had just finished listening to my new favorite obsession.  It is a Podcast called The Halifax Daily News  It is owned, produced, and hosted by Jamie Paterson and Lisa Blackburn, two local radio personalities who are very well known in and around Halifax. Jamie is a huge Beatles fan and has a whole room dedicated to his obsession.  And full discloser, I know both Jamie and Lisa.  I have worked with them both and like to think of them as friends.  This past year they both lost their positions at one of the stations in town.  I now it was devastating for their listeners and I am sure they didn't take it too well.  But, they did not hunker down and hide from their issues.  They took control and have started a five times a week Podcast along with a Website and Blog.  The link above will take you to their site.  I strongly recommend you take a look and listen.  You won't regret it, even if you are not from Halifax.  I am sure they will say that they have a ways to go too, but I can see that they have a very bright future.  And so do you. 
     If you are sitting there reading this and saying that this could never happen for you, that your problems will not go away, you are wrong.  All you have to do is reach out and ask for help.  You may have to ask more than one person but I promise you that you will find someone who will help you get yourself up on your feet again.  What do you have to lose?