The world is full of talented people. Or is it? I know everyone has a "talent" but what is a talent? The dictionary definition is:
tal·ent (t
1. A marked innate ability, as for artistic
2. a. Natural endowment or ability of a superior
b. A person or group of people having such ability:
The company makes good use of its
Can everybody really be talented? Maybe what I really mean is Successfully Talented. While it seems like there are a lot of those types out there I can tell you that true talent is more allusive than you'd think. At times I have been called talented. Take this Blog for instance. Many of my close friends and family have said that I should be writing more. "I should write a book!" I look at my writing and can't see any talent.
That is what depression does to a person. It robs you of a future that you deserve and can achieve. Yes, right now I look at my writing or painting or even the way I do my current job and I see someone struggling to keep his head above water. But guess what? I am keeping my head above the waves and I know if I keep kicking and treading water I will someday be able to stand up by myself and set foot on a nice, successful sandy beach.
I refuse to stop dreaming and so should you.
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