Can I be honest with you? That is a very good question. Can any of us truly be honest with each other? What would happen if we said what we were really thinking all the time? I have this reoccurring nightmare where a friend asks me to give them my completely honest opinion and when I do it is brutal. I let them have it with both barrels. They look on in horror then turn and walk away.
We it comes to honesty we all hold some things back. We have to. If we did not, most of us would have not friends at all and our families will have disowned us. It also dangerous. When we are honest with them that means they can, and will be honest with us. I had a recent conversation with someone close to me. I was feeling in one of my low moods and decided I should be honest about something that was on my mind. Well, within five minutes both of us were bawling and soon we had to hang up. We couldn't go on. We also have not revisited the conversation since.
What happens when someone asks you to be honest with them. Likely it is about a particular situation and they are not asking for you to dissect their complete life. Do you hold back a little? Me? I have always held back. I usually am not confident in my answer to the question so I turn to vagueness and "what ifs". I know I am not alone. I have asked for honesty and I can tell when someone is holding back. You hold back to save someone embarrassment or possible shame. You hold back because you like/love this person and you do not want to damage your relationship. Too bad. We should be evolved enough to take someone's honesty and use it for positive change.
The worst is, of course, when you are not honest with yourself. These days my life is filled with self reflection and questions I ask myself. I hold know I back from myself. I guess that means I must like myself. That fact is, not being honest with yourself is dangerous. By keeping things back when you self reflect the only person you can hurt is yourself. Wait! I take that back. The only people you hurt is yourself and the people who care about you.
Honest! I wouldn't lie to you.
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