Saturday, May 11, 2013

Your Downward Dog just bit me!

Part of any Depressed Person's recovery is to improve the physical as well as the mental.  When it comes to my own physical recovery, goodness knows that I am starting at the bottom of the ladder ... again.  Being overweight has plagued me for most of my adult life.  So I have started the fitness regime ... again. 

Recently a Personal Trainer friend of mine was kind enough to give me a fitness routine to follow.  When it came to the cool down and stretching she commented-- "Oh, you are very tight."  Now, for some that may be a complement but in my case it meant I had the flexibility of a steel bar.  Many other friends have suggested Yoga but I have resisted thinking that it was not for me.  I am so tired of not being able to bend properly to do simple tasks.  So when the opportunity came to take a class at work, during two lunch breaks a week, I decided to take the plunge.

My first thought was that I will most likely end up in a class room full of women.  I was delighted to see another, older gentleman sitting on his mat when I entered.  I was not happy to see that he could sit cross legged, back straight, with no sign of discomfort.  That is something I have not been able to do since I was .....  Crap!  I can't remember when I could do that.  The class was small and the leader was in her forties which I was grateful for.  The last thing I needed was some twenty year old getting me to lift my foot above my head.

As the class progressed I realised that I am much tighter than I thought.  I am not able to completely do any of the posses.  I spent a great deal of time pulling my track pants up and my t-shirt down.  I also found it very distracting that I could see down the instructor's top.  I have a short attention span sometimes and I don't need other issues coming into my head.  As the class progressed I started to loosed up alright but not where I wanted to.  I suddenly had to fart and it was not going to wait.  Ever hold a fart in?  It's not like holding a sneeze.  When that flatulence wants out it will find a way.  It was all I could do not to let it rip in the class but I can tell you this.  Who ever followed me back to the work area got a snoot full.

So I made it through my first two yoga classes.  I liked it.  I did feel better after.  I have a long way to go before I can lift my foot over my head but maybe soon I will be able to tie my shoe and bend over without looking like I'm ninety.


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