Friday, October 21, 2016


The last time I posted on this site was Jan 1, 2016.  The last time I posted anything on the web was on my "web-sight" forum back in May of this year.  Here's a link just in case you want to wander back and take a look at my "experiment".

What have I been up to you might ask? (Pause)  Go ahead ... ask!!  (Pause)  Thanks for asking.  You're so kind.  (Blush)  Okay.  What have I been doing with myself since we last chatted on the world wide web.  NOTHING!!  Not a damn thing!  We'll that is not completely true.  Since May I attended the PEI Screenwriter's Boot Camp where I developed and refined my pitch for a TV series based on this blog.
By the way.  Thanks to the wonderful organizer Louise Lalonde, my team's workshop guru Hanna Cheesman AND my good friend and producer, Donna Davies.  Without Donna's encouragement I would not have gone to the event and realized that I still had something to say.  It was also the beginning of my very slow emergence from a self imposed exile.  After that was the summer, which meant a week in PEI with some of my favorite campers/friends and in September, the trip of a life time for my wife and I.  We went to Europe on an 11 day cruise through Italy, Greece and eastern Europe.  Fantastic!

So, why was I in exile you ask?  Again ... thanks for your concern.  It really means a lot to me.  But let me answer.  Basically I was stuck.  The fog and heaviness of depression, anxiety and ADHD took a large toll on me over the last year.  I was not only stuck creatively, I was also frozen in a job I knew did nothing to nurture my creativity.  So I left.  September 2, 2016 was my last day at the call center and I do not regret it one bit. I had committed six years to trying to make myself fit into that world and try as I might it just did not happen.  I needed to push myself away from that atmosphere and get my creative soul back.

Now, it has not been like riding a bike.  Over the last few weeks I have fallen a number of times and some of the scabs are still healing but I am getting right back on and will continue to get back on until I find what I am looking for.  As always I must thank and be forever grateful to my wife and partner.  She has endured so much and while a bike for two is tough to ride we continue to work towards mastering it.

So, not exiled anymore.  Good.  Being out of work.  Not great but better than being where I don't belong.  Trying to find myself again ... always a good thing.  And hey... if you know a good place where I might fit in let me know.  I'm ready to go. 

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