Wednesday, April 9, 2014


     A while back I spoke of the "Good Days and Bad Days" in my life.  For most, a "normal" bad day is taken care of by blowing off steam or a good night's sleep.  When you are depressed, a bad day means slipping into the dark side of yourself.  The one where you beat yourself up and tell yourself you are useless.  This dark side can last days or weeks and in extreme cases, years.  FYI --- I am a few day in the dark side kind of guy.  At my worst I think maybe I was there for 10 days.  But let me tell you, a hour, a day, a week or a year... this is not some place you want to visit often.
     So what triggers these trips to Darkland?  There are too many to list.  Most depend on the person. But for me, a disappointment of some kind can do it or change/pressure from work that I believe is not fair.  Also, if I have had a number of good days in a row.  That one is a head scratcher.  Of course we all get disappointed, face changes or come down after a great weekend.  Lulls are common.  We can't stay up all the time.  It's not natural.  We need to go low so we can learn to appreciate the highs.  Depressed people take these triggers and magnify them 100 times.  It weighs heavily on their souls.  Maybe they shut themselves away or go on an eating binge.  Some will turn to drugs or alcohol.  Maybe it's a dangerous stunt or situation.  Whatever they think will bring them out of that "place".   
     As outsiders to this destructive behavior, family or friends can be sympathetic.  But how long can that last?  I try to stay positive and I am sure that all my friends and family would say they are in it for the long haul but really... they must be getting as tired as I am.  If you find yourself in the dark zone don't forget that you have people who care for you.  They will always there for you as long as you remember to reach out and to keep in touch.  It is the most important thing you can do.

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